
Trevor henderson creatures
Trevor henderson creatures

As per usual, it has a single human ear on the middle on its face. The ear creature can be seen to the right of the image, standing aimlessly. It has two nostrils always facing downward. The nose on the center of its face is tall and narrow, but not very wide. This creature is seen peeking out from behind a trash bin, sniffing the contents of it.

trevor henderson creatures

It has dark relatively small dark-red lips surrounding it. Going across its front body is a crooked mouth filled with human-like teeth and a tongue. This one appears to be moving rapidly as the image was taken, as it is the most blurry one out of all of them. It does not possess any eyebrows or eyelashes. The eye itself has a black pupil with a white sclera. It has a single human human dead-center on its face. This creature is the most noticeable one, as it is in the very foreground of the image.


These sensory organs also seem to have slightly more orange skin than the rest of the bodies. Each creature has a different organ, making up the five main senses that most people first learn about. While all five of the creatures look the mostly same, their main distinction lies in what could only be described as their ‘faces’, which contain a single enlarged version of a human-like sensory organ in the middle. Their skin appears to be somewhat leathery in texture, but also seems to be covered in a thin layer of a reflective substance. They have a simple smooth oval shape with no discernible head, body, hands, or feet.

trevor henderson creatures trevor henderson creatures

Sensory Processes all depict small, bipedal hairless beings with red skin and two short legs.

Trevor henderson creatures